My Super Basic Hair Routine

My Super Basic Hair Routine

Hi I'm Mrs Ehrin and in this article I'm going to share my super basic hair routine with you. My hair grows, I'm not some weird exception to the black girl rule, I'm not “mixed”. Black women can and do grow their hair long.

It was really difficult for me as a stylist when natural hair finally made it here (the PNW). Doing the hair wasn't the problem, it was this warped idea of what needed to be done to the hair. I legit felt crazy like there was something wrong with me for doing less.

I've seen many videos of women talking about how black women don't like doing their hair. Well how about WOMEN don't like doing their hair. It's a fucking hassle no matter what the texture or curl formation. 

I guess I have what you would call 4b

hair and my daughter is a true 4c. When I was a child I enjoyed being close to my mother and laying my head on her leg, but I hated getting my hair done. I don't know ANY child that would rather get their hair done rather than play. I'm sure they exist so simmer down but for the average kid recess is the most important thing.

I did the WAG thing for a while but I noticed I had to do it every 3 days to keep it hydrated and detangled. I also noticed it wasn't in my nature to be inclined to do that. My hair is cute even when she's a mess so keeping it "looking good" was never an issue. But do you really think I did that every 3 day thing? Nope. I intended to but into the bun she went. It's not in me. I just don't want to. I'd rather be reading a book. It's like when someone offers you a Coke instead of a Pepsi. It's just like....yea naw. It's not self hate. Me and my hair have a great relationship. 

I understand that she is delicate and the more I manipulate her the more prone to breakage she is. I also understand that left to her own devices she will recoil into herself and become dry and brittle (kinda like me). So we found a happy medium I leave her be as much as possible and I'm down to once a month ya'll. I might increase it if I start working out. But when you stay ready you don't have to get ready so here is my routine and my logic.

The Sunday after my period I put Humpty Dumpty (me) back together. I wash my hair, wax, clip my nails all that. This is on purpose. I've tied my self care habits to something that helps me automate them. My period is my cue and the craving is to feel as good as I did last month when I did this. So I have a good foundation for this hair habit.

I only do it once a month because I wear my hair twisted, then I put a scarf on it. My hair is bound and covered. Wake up, go to sleep. It isn't exposed to the environment and all the crap in the air. Also it is maintaining a consistent moisture level in the twist.

  1. Cleanse and Detangle with AGhair ACV Shampoo & Conditioner
  2. Apply AGhair Recoil for moisture (coming to the store soon)
  3. Blowdry with Loma Nourishing Oil (heat protectant)
  4. Twist it down with Loma Volumizing Foam (instigates shrinkage and gives hair workable hold)


Wrap it up in a piece of silky fabric

    I'll see you next month boo thang!

    If I have something I want to look jazzy for then Im ready, I can rock the twists, take some or all of them out and hit'em with the twist out. It has to be really special or really close to wash day for me to take my hair out though. 

    This is one of the reasons when you look at women throughout history you see hair being covered. It was just practical because they had shit to do and they couldn't be fussing with their hair all the damn time. Have you seen my child's hair? 

    This may not be "right" in some people's eyes but their opinion of how I care for myself is none of my business. I practice what I preach and I believe that forming habits that align with who you are and how you live are important. Your hair isn't a journey, it's part of the journey so get it done and get on the road. 


    Mystiq Iluminating Cleanser
    Ms. Ehrin
    Head Wrap
    Ms. Ehrin
    Loma Volumizing Foam
    Ms. Ehrin
    Mystiq Iluminating Polisher
    Ms. Ehrin
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