Planner meetups are designed to build community around trying to adult better as well as introduce you to a form of self care that has nothing to do with your looks. This is a class on minding your literal business.
No one is doing it all, let alone doing it all correctly. Using a planner is something that a lot of people start, because we know it's good for us but don't keep up on because it's just you and the paper, which can feel isolating even for the pro introvert.
On March 30th let's get it together, together and see if we can't actually complete a planner one month at a time. Come commune with other adults who want to be better at adulting, adults who have trouble remembering, aren't the best with their finances, maybe have some debt and are also looking for gentle accountability not judgement.
This will be our first planner meetup and will be held at Azarra Salon from 4pm-7pm in our spacious tasting room. Learn more about parking and the salon location here in case you've never been to the shop before. Booth renters, commissioned stylists, students of all kinds, clients, consumers all humans who are trying to adult, be kind and stay sane are welcome!
There are two ticket options (20 tickets available)
The planner provided is designed by me and contains 3 months of calendars. This gives newbies a chance to try it without potentially wasting all that paper that a full planner has. Each month has two sections a business/work section and a personal/home section. I designed this planner to help me run my business better and thought I would share it with other booth renters or people who are trying to maintain work/life balance.
What to expect at the meetup:
- Light snacks
- Networking
- Raffle Prizes
- Discuss Real Self Care and Work/Life Balance
- Back plan March (Month closing tasks)
- Set up April (Month opening tasks)
- Set up Week 1 of April
- Learn how a budget will help you
- Set up a budget
What to bring (optional):
- Ear buds
- Laptop or Tablet
- Favorite Pens/Pencils
- Highlighters
- Markers
- Stickers
- Washi Tape
- White out
- Business Cards
- Positive Mindset
I hope to see you there!