
Welcome to the truth bomb .com this is beauty in real life with Ms. Ehrin.

Check out this starter video and come back soon because there are more coming.

We're just getting started on this video journey where I plan to give clarity on common misconceptions surrounding beauty.

I hope you are able to use this content to simplify your life and understand what is considered basic maintenance of you.

Ms Ehrin's Go To & Unsolicited Opinion

Ask a question

A friend of mine text me and gave me a list of four questions. I didn't know I needed her to do that! It was so helpful because now I can actually make an intentional video to share.

When I'm behind the chair I'm there in that moment and then when I go home I'm home. I'm not thinking about what I said to you about your hair. I try really hard not to bring work home that way. I'm not wondering if what I told you is right because I will tell you I don't know real quick.

Drop your question(s) here that way I have them but they aren't living in my brain 24/7 until I make the video.

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