Kinky University

Art by: Oh So Paper Co.

"Do not remove the kinks from your hair, remove them from your brain."

-Marcus Garvey

We are here to smooth the kinks in your mind about what is possible in business, life and with kinky curly hair. We believe life and curly hair are simple, though not without their challenges. We are here to provide you with the skills and tools you need to slay those challenges.

Here at KU, we know that basic life skills, a business mindset and advanced technical hands on training are crucial to the growth and development of your career and industry. 

We believe the real kinks that need smoothing are inside of our heads not on top of our heads. We coach our learners on all aspects of money management from basic budgets, service menu pricing, debt elimination strategies and much more. Schedule your session today, create a real career plan and maximize the return on your educational investment.