Your service menu should be priced to help you reach your financial goals, however if your client experience does not match the "perceived value" of the experience you may have trouble getting people to pay you "what you're worth".
The cost of your service may be high to some and low to others. Perception is huge. This is also why it is important to understand your target market and why your clients are your clients. What are the little things you do that get people to book with you again and again? Don't know? Have you asked them?
Maybe you offer something to your guests that they perceive as valuable because no where else is doing it. This makes them willing to pay your prices even if they are a little higher than other places. A lot of times these are little things that don't cost you much if anything. For my clients, they love being able to book online and that they get plenty of reminders about their upcoming appointment.
The salon where I lease my studio provides guests 21+ a complementary wine sample and we are a dog friendly salon so there are usually pups about ready to accept your pets and cuddles. We offer high fashion low maintenance hair color options and a unique individual yet communal salon experience.
So what is it that makes someone choose you again and again? If you don't know that's ok. We can find out together. Click here to schedule a one to one session and together we can smooth out the details of who your ideal clients are and how to get them back in again and again.
Talk Soon
Ms. Ehrin