Skin care products as "self care" seems to be the next big thing and it's so unfortunate because skin care like most things can be really simple and relatively inexpensive.
I'm hoping you will find this little list of what's actually needed and why, helpful.
Skin Types
Before you set out on your little skin care journey you should understand where you are on the map. A skin type is genetically predetermined. You're born with it. There are four
- Dry
- Oily
- Normal (very rare)
- Combination (most common)
You need to know this about yourself before you or an esthetician can accurately select products for your face. This is one of the benefits of working with an esthetician instead of listening to a celebrity. An esthetician like myself will analyze your skin, discuss your concerns, suggest lifestyle changes that can help and customize a product regime for you.
How do you know your skin type?
The dry skin type produces too little sebum and is more susceptible to environmental damage due to a compromised barrier function. It is characteristically flaky and or dull, has little to no visible pores, little to no black heads or other breakouts. Dry skin is a skin condition of the other three skin types but the dry skin type is never oily. If you have this skin type I recommend a creamy cleanser like Mystiq and a hydrating moisturizer with SPF.
The oily skin type produces too much sebum and is far more prone to breakouts. The skin tends to be shiny with excess oil shortly after cleansing, can have a rougher texture and more visible pores. If you have this skin type you could benefit from a salycilic cleanser like Ice and also, I know this may sound crazy but, jojoba oil. Jojoba oil closest mimics the molecular structure of our skin's natural sebum. It suppresses oil production by fooling the skin into thinking it's already oily. The jojoba oil is then absorbed into the skin and keeps oil production in check.
The normal skin type is anything but. Normal skin is very, very, very rare. If you are not a Disney princess chances are you don't got it babe. Most people have something going on. Normal skin has no rough texture it is never too oily or too dry it rarely breaks out if ever. If you have this skin type congratulations, you won the genetic lottery. You can literally use anything or nothing at all. If you want something professional though try the Mystiq or the Bio Enzyme cleanser. Use jojoba oil to moisturize and don't forget to add SPF.
The combination skin type is the most comon skin type. Usually thought of as normal/oily combination skin can also be normal/dry. Combination normal/oily usually manifests as heavier oil production in the "T" zone. The center of your forehead, the bridge of your nose and your chin. While combination normal/dry manifests as a normalish Tzone and dry cheeks, jaw and hairline. The regime for these skin types can be a bit more complicated. If you have combination skin I recommend starting with a single cleanser that addresses the issue that bugs you the most. Then select one treatment product that will assist with the other and finally a moisturizer that is "most" appropriate. Meaning which issue is most important to you. By starting off with fewer products you can more easily see what is working and commit to the new habit without feeling overwhelmed.
What you need
- Cleanser (appropriate for your skin type)
- Moisturizer with SPF
- Patience
- Your skin is built different in different areas of your body. The soap or cleanser that you use on your feet is not appropriate for your face. Yes that means I hate shampoo/conditioner combos.
- Everyone needs to use sunscreen or SPF and you should moisturize your face after you wash it. TIP: If your face feels like its cracking after you wash it that means it's dry not that it's extra clean. Purchasing a facial moisturizer with the SPF in it is just a smarter purchase. You can always use something simple like jojoba oil but then you still would need to purchase an SPF product. Side note: Mango butter has been shown to have SPF properties if you're trying to keep it 100% granola.
- Changes in your skin take time and you should have a progressive attitude about this not an aggressive attitude. This is like a workout routine for your face. You don't just go in the gym and do arms legs and chest all the same day.
Skin Conditions
Skin conditions are symptoms of your lifestyle, environment, hormonal shifts and many other variables that are manifesting through your skin. Face mapping is a way of correlating different disruptions on the face to disruptions in different areas of the body. This is why diet, nutrition and chronic stress levels are so important. More important than what you use on your body is what you are using in it.
Skin conditions include things like
- Acne
- Eczema
- Dryness
- Rough Texture &
- Hyperpigmentation
If you have some of these things going on then you may need some new habits, extra care or additional products. I mainly see acne, hyperpigmentation (dark spots) and ingrown hairs. Exfoliation products and treatments can help.
TIP: If you're new to skin care and you've just gotten your cleanser and moisturizer. Don't buy an exfoliant just yet. Go through your entire first bottle of cleanser and when you get ready to purchase your next bottle of cleanser note the changes that you've seen in your skin and then decide if you still need the extra product.
Free Ideas
- Wash your pillow cases more often
- Wash your hairline daily
- Wash your bonnet/head scarf weekly
- Wash your makeup brushes weekly
- Use a nail brush to clean under long fingernails. Excess bacteria under fingernails and in makeup brushes can cause bacterial breakouts.
I hope this article was helpful if you are just beginning to learn about and take care of your skin. If you are interested in having a professional facial treatment I would begin with thirty or sixty minute maintenance facial. You will take home sample size products I appropriate for your skin type.
Thanks for reading!