Simmondsia chinensis
Derived from the shrub's seeds Jojoba oil is an emollient that has traditionally been held in high regard by the Natives of the Sonora Desert for its seemingly mystical properties and ability to heal the skin. They used it for treating many things including sores, wounds burns, stomach aches and used it as a laxative..
Jojoba oil reduces trans-epidermal water loss which allows skin to stay soft and supple this semi permeable protective layer allows the natural flow of water vapor through the skin. It is great in cosmetic formulations as it has excellent oxidative stability and provides spreadability to products without making them greasy. Products with Jojoba oil will help to protect against trans-epidermal water loss as well. Studies conducted at the University of Michigan showed that skin elasticity increased by 37% only 30 minutes after application.
Jojoba oil is non sensitizing to the skin and is generally considered non comedogenic as well. This is because the molecular make up of jojoba oil is so close to the molecular structure of our own skin's natural sebum.
I use organic jojoba oil as a makeup remover for my water proof mascara and eyeliner. I also use it as a night time facial moisturizer. I reserve this oil for my face although I use to use it on my body it's not cheap, so I choose a more economic oil for my body like grapseed, sunflower or safflower oil.
When I was pregnant my skin was so dry that it would look like a dust cloud when I take off my shirt. I started using Jojoba oil and it made my skin look and feel amazing. Dry skin is itchy, scratching causes micro tears in the skin which results in stretch marks (scars). Long story short I didn't end up with any NEW stretch marks.
Thanks for reading all the way to the end. You can pick up some Jojoba oil here if you want to give it a go.