Why isn’t there a phone number? 🙃

Why isn’t there a phone number? 🙃

Hi there! 👋🏾

Thats’s a great question and the short answer is I think it's unnecessary for you to have to speak to me just to make an appointment. Also I don’t want to babysit my phone like that 😳🤯😘.

Why sit texting you for 20 minutes when you can just go look for yourself to see what’s available. I want to have that phone call even less. Me “I’m in the salon on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. What day would you like to come in?” Person “Do you have Wednesday at 6:00?” TF? 😳🤯✌🏾

Well, Ms. Ehrin. That’s not very nice 🤔😢. No, but it is honest and I would rather be honest than nice. And thats's not "normal". Being nice instead of being honest with yourself and others is not healthy. It leaves room for unrealistic expectations. Not maintaining healthy boundaries is what causes burnout and resentment. I don’t want those feels.

I understand that you may have questions, that is why I have provided detailed descriptions of the services on the menu.

I made a few blog posts about them to give further detail and I even made a video about where to park and how to find the salon.

Did you already try all the resources I’ve provided? 

I forget to return text messages all the time. TO MY FAMILY😳. And voicemail 🤣. It’s not happening Jack.

I am not the stylist for everyone and I don’t try to be. This is what keeps me loving my job. You can find me actively on Google and Facebook for updates and I utilize email for communication because of the expected return time on an email, 24-48 hours. What I’ve done is built breathing room for myself into my business and you don't see that often so it's off putting.

The people who utilize the information I put on my site do just fine, and we have a great working client to stylist relationship. They show up, I show up we have a great time. They get their service I get paid. BOOM 💥 everyone is satisfied “do you want to schedule before you leave or do it online?” I ask and that’s it. See you next time Curlfriend 😘.

I cannot reasonably preach self care and not take care of my own self. I know me and this works best for my home life and my work/life balance.

This is me giving others permission to say no. No, you may not have access to me like that. No, you cannot occupy this space in my life. No, you cannot take up this time.

Thanks for taking the time to read this. I appreciate you. If you still want to work with me click here for the appointment menu.


Art by Oh So Paper

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